Sunday, November 26, 2006

Naming Exceptions

When defining a WebMethod for JAX-WS 2.0, it appears that the best naming convention is to leave off the word Exception when defining method-specific exceptions. For example:
  @WebMethod(operationName = "GetMember", action = "GetMember")
  public void getMember(@WebParam(name = "MemberID")
                        Long memberID,
                        @WebParam(name = "Member",
                                  mode = Mode.OUT)
                        Holder member) 
    throws InvalidMemberID {

    if (! isValid(memberID)) {
      throw new InvalidMemberID(memberID);


I originally named the exception InvalidMemberIDException, but this results in a SOAP fault with the same name in the WSDL, rather than just InvalidMemberID. The client tool wsimport will then use this WSDL to generate an exception named InvalidMemberIDException_Exception.